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Before it happens.

Know More About Drugs.

        In 2017 alone, more than 47,000 Americans died from an opioid overdose.
        But sometimes big numbers can be overwhelming. Paralyzing. So, let’s put it another way. When the sun sets tonight, over 130 people will be dead from an opioid overdose. That’s 130 families who’ll never see their fathers, mothers, sons or daughters again.
        And come tomorrow, the story will be repeated with sobering regularity. With an epidemic that relentless, everyone probably knows someone who’s been directly affected. At Lean&Mean, we do.
        Opioids have incredible power. But so does advertising. If we can inform parents of what the dangers of opioids are, maybe they’d exercise more caution before giving them to their child. Or maybe find an alternative, and not give them at all. The idea was to get to them early. Before it becomes a problem.
        So we partnered with Nancy Cartwright, an LA-based artist, to create this outdoor campaign. It’s getting the attention of the local media.
        Hopefully, it’ll also get the attention of a son, daughter, mother or father.